About Shauna is a transwoman and nurse, who shares with us practical and thought-out advice, answering common questions about all things LGBTIQ+ and nursing! This is a MUST-READ for ALL students, healthcare professionals and clinical leaders. Check out other must-read...
Genital Examinations and Sexual Health for Vulnerable Communities is written by Cara Taheny. Full in-depth original article available here. Below is the abridged version. Read other CPD articles here Introduction Cara is a Nurse Practitioner with a speciality area of...
Bleeding for Change: Australia Addresses Donor Discrimination Written by Monash University fourth year post-graduate medical student and drug design research assistant Brendan Stevenson. They say that blood is thicker than water, and for many Australians in need of...
Rules from a time of ‘fear and prejudice’ Petitioning against outdated and discriminatory rules, Ky and Connor have brought much needed attention back to the inability of gay men from being able to donate blood to help save lives in Australia. The...
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