We teamed up with International Health and Medical Services to interview Chrisna, a Registered Nurse and Health Services Manager within Immigration Detention. International Health and Medical Services provide primary and mental health care services within the...
Meet Jackie Ashmore, ermha365 Chief Operating Officer and former Nurse Unit Manager at Thomas Embling – a high-security forensic mental health hospital in Victoria. Read on to learn all about nursing security and forensic patients in one of the most unique and...
Meet Tracey Markham! She is currently a Nurse Practitioner, Interpersonal Violence Forensic Nurse, at Yarrow Place. This is an extremely unique and rare role in Australia. We asked 22 indepth questions and got some amazing answers! This is a MUST read, especially if...
We are very excited to have interviewed Ryan Semera (RN, CDE, NP), Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Nurse Practitioner, Accredited Nurse Immuniser, BSN, GCertDiabEd, MNursPrac Meet Nurse Practitioner Ryan Semera I am an endorsed Nurse Practitioner. I currently work as...
Correctional Nursing Nurse G is a Corrections Nurse looking after some of Australia’s most violent and dangerous criminals. She must remain anonymous due to fear of being identifed by colleagues and her employer. Correctional health nurses provide healthcare to...
Being mean, just to be mean. Nurse G is a Corrections Nurse looking after some of Australia’s most violent and dangerous criminals. She must remain anonymous due to fear of being identifed by colleagues and her employer. Corrections nurses provide healthcare to...
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