Embark on a journey into the extraordinary life of Ty Demaria, a RACQ LifeFlight Rescue Flight Nurse and ICU Nurse in Brisbane. LifeFlight Australia is a world leader in aeromedical care and Australia’s most diversified service, operating both a fixed-wing and...
We teamed up with NSW Air Ambulance, to interview some of their Flight Nurse / Midwives about their careers and roles. We are excited to bring you this interview with Erin Holmes who has kindly shared her experience as an NSW Air Ambulance Flight Nurse / Midwife. If...
We teamed up with NSW Air Ambulance, to interview some of their Flight Nurse / Midwives about their careers and roles. We are excited to bring you this interview with Brieanna Thornton who has kindly shared her experience as an NSW Air Ambulance Flight Nurse /...
Meet Nadine! Nadine Tipping is an experienced Registered Nurse/Midwife who has worked in numerous clinical and leadership roles! Currently working as a Flight Nurse/Midwife for Careflight Australia and a member of the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre...
Life of a Flight Nurse & Midwife Pleased to have Flight nurse and midwife Hayden Wilson share his experiences of working as health professional in the sky! About Hayden I am originally from a place called Norfolk Island. Many people haven’t heard of it, and that...
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